472 马里兰州的房地产经纪人

Jenn Smira 最初来自俄勒冈州波特兰市,14 年前迅速从技术职业转型为华盛顿特区顶级房地产经纪人。2014 年,她成为 Compass 的创始代理商,并在 2019 年、2020 年和 2022 年成为 #1 Compass DMV 团队。Jenn 和她精心挑选的多元化代理团队以其行业专业知识、令人印象深刻的 80% 推荐业务和对客户的不屈不挠的奉献精神而闻名。她每年为数百户家庭提供服务,为 DMV 地区的客户提供一流的服务,覆盖华盛顿特区、蒙哥马利县和北弗吉尼亚州。他们的出色表现为他们赢得了《华尔街日报》在华盛顿特区的 #2 团队、该地区的 #8 和美国的 #41 团队的排名,终生销售额超过 10 亿美元,这一切都是由 Jenn 坚定不移地致力于为她的客户取得成果所推动的。
我在房地产行业拥有超过 28 年的经验,对房地产行业有着深入的了解,并拥有良好的成功记录。在我的房地产职业生涯中,我参与了 4800 多套房屋的销售。让我用我的经验为你工作!
我对房地产充满热情,我喜欢帮助他人实现购买和/或出售房屋的梦想。在热衷于帮助他人投资和出租房产后,我开始进入房地产行业。我在马里兰州巴尔的摩居住了 40 多年,曾在许多地区工作过,熟悉巴尔的摩市、巴尔的摩县和其他周边县。 我很高兴能帮助您找到梦想中的家,出售您的房屋和/或为您找到最好的投资物业。
我在马里兰州南部出生和长大,曾担任当地执法人员和公共安全专业人员 30 多年。 现在,作为一名全职房地产经纪人,我很高兴成为您的房地产倡导者。 我相信,优质的服务以及诚实、正直和可靠的声誉与帮助您出售房屋或找到梦想中的家一样重要!
The year was 2006, property values were skyrocketing, homes were at a premium and it was clearly the best time ever for a young real estate enthusiast to step out on his own and open a new brokerage — oh wait, it wasn’t. Mike Draper had always said he did not want to be a typical, pencil-pushing, clock-punching employee, and as the real estate market went up in flames around him in the 2008 crash, it was quite clear he had gotten his wish. Yet as other businesses were paring services and cutting corners, Mike’s solution was to build a foundation and establish an ethic that focused less on making the sale at any cost and more on fashioning a harmonious relationship among buyer, seller and broker that would put the right person into the right home at the right price. Turns out, paying attention to clients is the way to weather financial storms. Who knew? If there is a hint of chess grandmaster Gary Kasperov in Mike’s modus operandi, he readily admits it. “I like being able to have an idea, develop that idea into a strategy, implement that strategy and realize either the success or failure of that idea,” he said. “I’m constantly learning each and every day.” He enjoys sharing those lessons with his brokers, hearing their concerns and helping them better engage with their clients. Mike doesn’t like selling, he likes connecting. This of course will be a keen disappointment to those who enjoy being herded into a purchase they’re not comfortable with by a slick-talking sales rep, but for them there are always used car lots. Buying a home is indeed an emotional experience, but Mike counsels his agents to minimize the emotion and instead focus on each property’s strengths and weaknesses. That way, with their eyes open, a client is more likely to settle in a new home that will be a long-term joy. An agent, Mike believes, works for the buyer and seller but also the community. “Because a strong, vibrant community fosters stable neighborhoods and personal opportunity, we know how important it is to be engaged, Mike says in his company’s mission statement. “We take pride in our community and it shows in our agent’s commitment to playing vital roles in a wide spectrum of community organizations.” In other words, putting good people in good homes elevates the entire neighborhood. As such, Mike is a member of multiple professional organizations focused on property rights and landlord stewardship, his work through the Hagerstown Home Store helps people negotiate a path to home ownership, something many of them never thought they would be able to do. It’s a time consuming career, but does leave some time for tennis, the local music scene and — prepare to be shocked — video games involving high levels of strategy. Mike’s deck overlooks Hagerstown’s celebrated Hagerstown City Park, where he and his wife Julie can view the activity and natural beauty with his rescue pup, a wire-haired terrier named Riley.