艾米鲍德温房地产提供一流的服务,出售你的房子或购买你的梦想财产。作为一个团队,我们提供全职服务,在分析和营销、建筑力学和定价方面拥有深厚的知识。我们的背景经验成为您作为买方或卖方的优势。我们专注于与居住在该地区外的客户、独特的物业和第二家庭的生活方式合作。Steve 和 I 服务范围很广,主要从大班戈到海岸,从斯图本、MDI、蓝山半岛到贝尔法斯特。欢迎回家缅因州!
I have been in Real Estate over 26 yrs., have consistently received TOP PRODUCER awards every year, am one of the top 10 single agents in Androscoggin County, and was number 1 in sales in the Masiello system in 2018 ( that's in over 700 agents throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Ma, and Vermont), I AM ALWAYS IN THE TOP 5 every year..., My signature line is "When it comes to Real Estate. I work for YOU" and I stand behind that concept. I work more than full time and give my clients 110% and more, as I try to accomplish THEIR goals. I do not stand on formality---just hard work, knowledge and skill---and MY primary goal is "client satisfaction”. My "People" skills were obtained by working in the medical field for 20 years and I have transferred that caring and detailed oriented attitude into my Real Estate career. I LISTEN to my clients' needs and help them get what THEY want. I have an aggressive marketing plan for my sellers which include lots of internet exposure, texting signs, Circle Pix technology, Marketing.com, and most importantly in this market, I sell homes, THEIR HOME, for top dollar. Education is very important to me and I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management, have taken extensive Real Estate courses to keep ahead of the game and remain well informed of all the many changes in Real Estate. Communication is of the upmost importance to me and in our ever-changing world, one thing you can count on EVERY day is my reliability, commitment and service with a smile. I have a great track record and so does my company. ;-)