Award winning turnkey business! Canada's #1 Hydrographic shop & leader in custom automotive services. This profitable, full-service brand includes full ownership, dealership fees from several locations & exclusive contracts for supply sales. Boost your income with additional revenue from an automotive tenant leasing space in facility. The head office is a hub for hydro-dipping, custom painting, powder coating, chroming, tinting, ceramic coating, wrapping, bodywork, and more. With almost 4000 SqFt of space, 2 combined units, and major clients like Tim Hortons, Hudson's Bay, Sephora, Porsche & Toronto Raptors, this is a rare opportunity to take over a lucrative business with an outstanding reputation. Sale includes all essential equipment, materials and fixtures.
3176 Ridgeway Drive #64 & 65 L5L5S7 SL25-07252
密西沙加, 3176 Ridgeway Drive
住宅 • 1 房间 • 2 浴室。 • 363 平方米 • 参考: a0UXX00000007ZO2AY
AUD 343,898
起居363 平方米
3176 Ridgeway Drive, 密西沙加
Peter Torkan
+1 (4...
Peter 是 Team Torkan 和 The Agency Toronto 的大师级创始人,也是 AMAZON PRIME 原创系列节目中“LUXE LISTINGS TORONTO”的明星,他正在扩大自己的影响力范围,并准备通过近距离观察这座城市的超奢侈品市场来吸引观众。
Peter Torkan 是一位房地产杰作,他的名字是无与伦比的成功和声望的代名词。他拥有惊人的 $1.6+ 十亿豪华交易,不仅是多伦多奢侈品经纪精英的顶级房地产经纪人,而且还跻身精英之列,在全球所有 The Agency 代理商中排名前 5%。
他的谈判艺术大胆,他的决心坚强,他对卓越的执着不亚于痴迷。作为高端房地产界的获奖者,Peter 的奖杯柜熠熠生辉,获得了无数享有盛誉的荣誉,包括终身成就奖、名人堂等等。
Peter 为国内外独具慧眼的千万富翁和有影响力的亿万富翁等独家客户提供服务,是不可替代的资产,其市场敏锐度和手术般的精确度深受信赖。
他专注于崇高——从超豪华庄园到多伦多最令人向往的飞地的新开发项目和原始建筑:York Mills、Forest Hill、Lawrence Park 和 The Bridle Path。“成为经纪人对我来说不仅仅是一份工作;这是一种召唤。我未经过滤的直接方法使我能够理解客户最复杂的愿望,将愿望转化为有形的现实。
The Agency | Toronto - North York