加拿大多伦多2415 Dundas St W商业用地出售

多伦多, 2415 Dundas St W
商业楼宇 • 52 平方米 • 参考: 1000531900
AUD 138,827
The FAMILY CLEANERS Dry Cleaning Store is available to regular customers on Google for reviews as follows. Highly recommend this place. Operated by wonderful couple. Have used their dry cleaning / laundering and alteration services for over 8 years (weekly basis prior to COVID). Just excellent, personalized service, good prices, 100% on time. They have personally arranged pick-up to accommodate a tight timeline we had. Very happy to have such nice people in the neighbourhood! by A Good Customer. Six days open Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. ~07:00 p.m. Sat 10:00 a.m.~ 05:00 p.m. Sun: Close. No Competition and Busy area. Steady good income. Please don't miss the opportunity. **EXTRAS** Stock is extra.




起居52 平方米

2415 Dundas St W, 多伦多