166 意大利的房地产经纪人

我们在意大利各地出售一系列美丽的别墅。我们在意大利最不寻常的地点的著名房产和梦想家园目录不断更新。我们与各种国际合作伙伴合作,通过实现极短的销售时间提供最大的知名度。除了梦幻别墅,我们还提供有趣的公寓和房屋,可以在讨价还价部分进行咨询。 我们免费评估您的财产。选择我们,我们将不是成本,而是优势!
意大利语, 英语, 法语
MG Immobiliare 已经上市 30 年,位于卢加诺市中心。对于任何希望在卢加诺地区购买或出售房产的人来说,我们都是一个成熟的参考。凭借专业知识、可靠性和成功,我们协助客户选择、购买和出售房屋。
英语, 德语, 意大利语
Sition Group Real Estate致力于体现超越简单房地产交易的愿景。我们的使命是在购买、出售和租赁房地产过程的每个阶段为客户创造有形和持久的价值。这意味着不仅要确保他们的需求得到满足,还要通过提供无可挑剔的服务和让他们完全满意的体验来超越期望。
我们是一家房地产咨询和经纪公司,运营总部位于摩德纳和圣特雷莎加卢拉 (SS),在全国范围内开展业务,重点关注撒丁岛北部的旅游住宅(包括豪华),这要归功于在该地区的多年直接经验。 我们在管理物业、收购、可能的翻新及其在市场上重新定位的整个过程中为客户提供支持,也从营销和销售的角度出发,但非常注重产品的质量和生态可持续性。我们还评估收购和房地产管理方面的合作;我们处理单个物业,但也处理整个房地产综合体。
意大利语, 英语, 法语
您好,我是来自 Not Just for Vacation 的 Eleonora Riccio,我很高兴能与您一起踏上这段旅程,与您一起迈出激动人心的一步,迈向您在墨西哥令人叹为观止的里维埃拉玛雅的新家。想象一下,每天醒来都能欣赏到壮丽的景色,沐浴在加勒比海温暖的阳光下!但这不仅仅是一个度假屋,而是一个无价的投资机会! 为什么选择 Riviera Maya? - 战略位置:凭借其原始的白色沙滩和丰富的文化体验,每年都有数百万游客涌向该地区。这为您创造了源源不断的机会! - 保证盈利能力:您不仅仅是在购买漂亮的住宅;您正在投资一项承诺丰厚财务回报的可靠资产。 在 Not Just for Vacation,我们与受人尊敬的建筑商和以诚信和可靠性而闻名的知名公司合作。这意味着您可以使用独家预售房产以及随时可供您入住的房屋。从迷人舒适的公寓到豪华别墅,我们为各种口味和预算精心挑选了各种选择。 灵活的租赁:无论您是在寻找快速逃离还是长期租赁,我们的物业都能为您提供终极的舒适和优雅。 我们提供的每一处房产都是通往里维埃拉玛雅迷人美景的门户,我在这里为您提供帮助。不要让这个难得的机会溜走!欲了解更多信息并开始将您的加勒比梦想变为现实,请联系我。我很高兴能帮助您找到满足您需求的完美选择。您在天堂的梦想家园正等着您!
意大利语, 英语, 西班牙语
凭借 10 多年的住房经验和对房地产行业坚定不移的热情,我现在经营着 Helvet-immo,这是我有幸于 2024 年 2 月创立的一家机构。 自 2018 年以来,我一直全身心地投入到房地产领域,这一职业使我能够将我的设计天赋与扎实的房地产交易专业知识相结合。在室内设计方面获得的经验是我的又一根弦,通过让我的客户可视化和定制他们未来的家来丰富我的报价。我引以为豪的是,我能够实现客户的房地产梦想,帮助他们将自己投射到新的生活空间中。 我的职业道德以倾听、同理心和对经纪人同事的深深尊重为中心。这些价值观是支撑我的个性化方法的支柱,也是建立强大网络的基础。专业人士之间的这种相互尊重促进了丰富的机会,使我能够为客户提供更广泛的选择和优质的服务。 时至今日,Helvet-immo的成立是我职业生涯的巅峰之作,象征着我对要求苛刻的客户的承诺,他们应该得到卓越的服务。
法语, 英语
The Tuscan Feeling RE srl real estate agency was founded in 1997 thanks to the vision of Adriana Vermi who believed and still believes in the constant and professional commitment of a work carried out with the HEART to make our territory known and appreciated through real estate. Over the years the agency has expanded, Tuscan Feeling RE srl has been enriched with collaborators, and the range of services offered to customers has diversified considerably. The Agency now offers a selected portfolio of properties of charm, class and elegance, each individual property has something special: the Location, the Charm, the Character, the Functionality, the Exposure, the Exclusivity, the Comfort, the Historicity. The properties offered are carefully selected, because the house has a basic importance to recharge your energy, to soothe the soul and to live the life you want. Tuscan Feeling RE srl deals with the sale and rental of both medium and long-term residential properties located in Florence in its historic center or on the beautiful hills surrounding the city, as well as in the neighboring municipalities of Chianti. The company boasts an active attention and Customer Care, combined with an In-depth Knowledge of the Real Estate Market; 2 essential qualities to identify the ideal property to meet the most diverse needs. The agency offers its experience, professionalism and seriousness to solve any problem of a real estate, cadastral and urban planning nature with the help of expert technicians in the sector. It is the ideal consultant with a range of solutions that meet all needs: from private to companies, to investments. To anticipate future scenarios, maintaining high standards, we collaborate with established professionals in the real estate field allowing us to offer a 360 ° service to our customers: At TUSCAN FEELING RE you will find: Intermediation Service in the phases of sale, purchase or lease of real estate for residential or commercial use; Technical-Legal Advice in the evaluation, appraisal, negotiation and contract closure phases; Credit Mediation and Financial Assistance in obtaining MORTGAGES; Wealth Management Consulting Design consultancy of architects, surveyors, interior designers and professionals in the sector for renovation or furnishing. Scrupulous and particular attention to the TECHNICAL REGULATORY contents of the Italian Legislature, in continuous evolution, with an active commitment on the ethical and deontological front of the profession The importance of combining attention to constantly evolving Technical-Regulatory contents, with an active commitment to the ethical and deontological front of the profession, is one of the founding aspects that characterize the services offered. Professionalism, Experience and Transparency are the values that Tuscan Feeling RE srl constantly pursues to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, through the development of tailor-made solutions, designed specifically for every need. Contact us...... We are at your disposal!