18 洛斯·桑托斯的房地产经纪人

致力于房地产咨询的团队。 • 我们是一支致力于通过战略和商业联盟寻找房地产投资解决方案的团队。 • 我们的首要任务是客户的福祉和满意度,以确保做出正确和预期的投资。 • 我们为客户物业的展览和推广提供建议。 •我们在金融和行政部门拥有丰富的经验,这使我们能够从财务角度进行出色的分析,并为投资项目创建业务和投资回报率计划。 • 我们致力于客户,并陪伴他完成整个投资过程。
西班牙语, 英语
Panama Sovereign Realty 是 #1 房地产代理 在 Azuero 半岛.十多年来,我们获得完全许可的房地产专业团队已帮助来自世界各地的买家、卖家和投资者成功驾驭巴拿马佩达西及其周边地区的房地产市场。欢迎访问我们的 https://panamasovereign.com/
英语, 西班牙语, 葡萄牙语
经纪人和房地产开发商,专业土木工程师。 工商管理硕士。 在世界级项目的概念化,结构,推广和销售方面拥有丰富的经验。 它是推广和出售您的财产或相反找到您梦想中的财产的理想经纪人。习惯于为客户提供高效的解决方案以满足客户的需求。创新与热情。
英语, 西班牙语
英语, 西班牙语, 希伯来语
拥有超过12年客户服务经验的专业人士,毕业于旅游管理、生态学和地理学专业;高级管理硕士与商业管理,重点是市场营销和广告,以及专门从事神经语言编程的教练;我提供房地产建议已有 4 年了,专门从事海滩地区、La Chorrera、Panama Pacifico 和该国内陆地区的销售、短期和长期租赁。 我还致力于国家层面的农场利基市场:牲畜、农业或城市发展,以及上述所有领域的商业场所的出租或出售。
西班牙语, 英语
Roberto is a fully Licensed Realtor who works with all the United Country’s agents at the Coronado Office making sure we offer you the best possible service. Proud of his Panamanian roots, he was raised in Panama City until he left for the United States as a teenager, eventually graduating at Loyola University with a marketing and international business degree. His passion for travelling and learning from other cultures brought him to live in Venezuela, Spain, Sweden; and in the US, California, Hawaii, Georgia, Tennessee and Louisiana. He moved to the island of Maui to fulfill a life-long dream to learn to surf and a few years later ended up writing several children s books about surfing, ocean safety and skateboarding. His passion for surfing kept bringing back to his home country of Panama where he started to specialize in beach front and surf community properties. After noticing the boom in Panama’s real estate market, he invested with a group of previous clients and friends from California acquiring a right of possession, beach front hectare. In time, he was able to convert the beach front property into title land through a long and bureaucratic process. This experience helped him learn about the pitfalls of buying right of possession versus titled land. He is currently focusing on apartments, houses and land outside of Panama City in the beach communities between Punta Chame to Buenaventura. His exposure to various markets has served him to adapt to the ever changing demands of the real estate market, its clients and Panama’s idiosyncrasies. He is able to understand how challenging and daunting it can be to move to a foreign country and is the reason why his sole intent is to make that transition as carefree as possible for his clients. Roberto excels at listening and finding out what people are truly looking for in a property. He then sets out to find the most idyllic place for the clients, fulfilling their dreams of owning a property, house or condominium in Panama. He has been at the same office in Coronado for 10 years now and specializes in the beach and mountain areas near Coronado. You may recognize him as his charisma has landed him in three separate episodes of House Hunters International. He also has produced a new environmental book in 2019 with the help of the Rotary Club of Coronado and other private donors. The book is meant to teach the next generation of Panamanians to take pride in the country by cleaning up their neighborhoods, schools and beaches. It is an amazing book that has been adopted by the Ministry of Education and the intention is to give it away to all the public schools throughout the country. Whether you are thinking about retiring, investing or starting a new life in Panama, let Roberto show you what is available for you!
西班牙语, 英语, 法语, 瑞典语