Philip DuMoulin 是 The Agency White Rock 的管理合伙人。凭借 20 多年的行业经验,Philip 还是受人尊敬的 DuMoulin-Miller Group 的高级合伙人,该集团以其一直被菲沙河谷房地产委员会评为前 1% 成功者而闻名。
Philip 对房地产的动态本质充满热情,他的成功源于他满足客户独特需求的能力。他以其不慌不忙的举止和顽强的方法而闻名,他拥有与生俱来的理解客户愿望和需求的能力,在信任和透明的基础上培养持久的关系。凭借他在体育营销方面的广泛背景,Philip 利用他在领导团队和推动成功方面的经验,为他的角色带来了独特的视角。
Philip 专注于 White Rock、South Surrey、Tsawwassen 和 Langley 的社区,他的本地化专业知识和真诚的本性使他成为客户和同事值得信赖的顾问和宝贵资源。
他的教育之旅,从圣乔治私立学校到不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院,使他掌握了驾驭房地产环境复杂性所必需的基础知识和技能。工作之余,Philip 是女儿和双胞胎男孩的骄傲父亲。他喜欢家庭时光、划船冒险,并通过定期锻炼保持活跃。他才华横溢,作为“Philth”的主唱,他追求对音乐的热情,展示了他的艺术天赋和对生活的天生热情。
Partner of The Agency White Rock, Summer Skarich serves as an integral member of her team, the prestigious DuMoulin-Miller Group. Summer attended UBC Sauder School of Business at the age of 19, where she studied real estate and earned her license. Since qualifying, Summer's drive, unique blend of tenacity, organization and market knowledge have translated into unparalleled success and respect within the industry. The DuMoulin-Miller Group consistently ranks among the top 1% achievers in the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board.
Born and raised in the picturesque locales of South Surrey and White Rock, Summer possesses an intimate understanding of the region's nuances. Summer exudes enthusiasm for every facet of her profession. From navigating intricate paperwork to analyzing property values, her love for details knows no bounds. She readily leverages her expertise to guide her clients toward strategic decisions that will benefit them and their families.
As an agent, Summer finds fulfillment in being her clients' trusted confidante, dedicated to fulfilling their needs and surpassing expectations. Her unwavering commitment to professionalism and seamless client experiences sets her apart, cultivating relationships that extend far beyond the closing table. With a keen eye for detail, market expertise, and innovative marketing strategies, Summer empowers her clients to make confident choices, every step of the way.
Summer maintains an active lifestyle, regularly engaging in beach volleyball and a rigorous gym routine. A food enthusiast, she delights in exploring new culinary experiences and spending quality time with loved ones. Whether soaking up the sun by the beach or embarking on adventures abroad, Summer embodies a zest for life that resonates with clients and colleagues alike.